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Tip 4: Get the perfect shade

Posted by GDT Editor on  June 19, 2018
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Achieving a perfect shading technique can be a challenging part of any case. However, including a picture with your case can increase your success rate by obtaining the perfect shade. By including a small piece of white paper and a shade tab with your case. we can color correct the image and also observe the subtle shading differences unique to that tooth.

Tip 3: The importance of bite registrations.

Posted by GDT Editor on  April 2, 2018
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A good bite registration is highly critical for a successful restoration. Although every situation is unique, here are some general tips for you to bite down on: The patient is often numb and generally has no understanding of their centric bite. The staff member or dentist should guide them through the process of getting the perfect bite. Most often, the less bite material that is used between the opposing dentitions, the better the bite registration.

Tip 2: Get a good impression.

Posted by GDT Editor on  April 2, 2018
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And get it right the first time. The impression is the foundation for a successful restoration and selecting the right tray for your case (triple tray, stock trays or customized impression tray) is critical. Wondering which tray and material is best for your case?. The best impressions are obtained by using a heavy body with wash technique or by creating a custom tray

Tip 1: Use pictures.

Posted by GDT Editor on  April 2, 2018
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The perfect fit…can you picture it? A picture is worth a thousand words, so the more detailed information you can provide us, the better outcome you will receive in your case. Pre-operative pictures and models are typically the best and only method of communicating the needs of your patient. While a phone call or simple email can often enhance specific case directions, emailing a digital picture of the case to your lab technician can increase